Amber crème de la crème

June 12, 2013 /  

Collection Supernatural is a unique collection that perfectly fits our goal of showing the beauty of amber. These are selected, the most beautiful products made of or decorated with Baltic amber and natural lumps of exceptional beauty.

A unique museum, unique amber, unique collections. Collection Supernatural is like amber crème de la crème. These are the most beautiful examples of amber craftsmanship and unconventional ways to use this fascinating stone in applied art, as well as interesting natural forms. All this to show how different amber can have faces and how much it means in the hands of a good jeweler or creative artist.

Visiting the exhibition Amber Museum

Ladies and Gentlemen! From November 2023 the form of our Amber Museum is changing. The current exhibition is smaller and available to you as part of the Boruni Gallery.

Adults and children with guardians can visit the Museum without prior reservation during the museum's opening hours.

Opening hours:
Mon - Thu 10:00-20:00
Fri - Sun 10:00 - 20:00
Admission is free.
Telephone: +48 513 511 512

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