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Postcards from the Amber Museum

The Amber Museum offers postcards that can be a nice gift or a memory of visiting our museum. Amber jewelry of Dorota Cenecka, Tomasz Kargul or Jacek Baron, as well as sculptures of amber decorated with amber by Jacek Sumeradzki and Mariusz Drapikowski, as well as objects of Herald and Eric Popkiewicz - these are just some of the exhibits from the Krakow Amber Museum and products offered in [...]

Cosmetics and other amber-based products available at the Amber Museum!

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our offer. To meet the expectations of our visitors, we have prepared the following range of box products: natural amber soap, natural mud and amber soap, bath salt with mud and amber, softening mask cream with mud and amber, face cream with amber extract, cream hand with mud and amber, cream for [...]

Amber memory of Paweł Adamowicz

Today, we all remember the murdered Gdańsk President Paweł Adamowicz, emphasizing how much he did for his beloved city for over 20 years of presidency. With this number of achievements, the fact that Gdańsk became the World Capital of Amber disappears during his presidency. "Gdańsk is the most wonderful city in the world" - this is one of his last sentences spoken on the stage [...]

Amber in Poland and in the world

The second, changed version of the book by prof. dr. hab. Barbara Kosmowska-Ceranowicz available at the Amber Museum. "Amber in Poland and in the world" by prof. dr. hab. Barbara Kosmowska-Ceranowicz is a Polish-English publication showing the beauty, history and properties of amber. Written in a simple and accessible way. Thanks to the wealth of information, this book can be used as a textbook for students and academics [...]

Amber workshops in Krakow

"There should be definitely more such meetings at which you can learn more about amber" - so agreed participants of the workshop How not to buy a pig in a poke, i.e. recognition of amber counterfeits, which took place on January 24 at the Amber Museum in Krakow. With these workshops, the Amber Museum inaugurated its educational activities for 2014. "This first meeting was his [...]

MSB excludes shaped amber

At the last meeting, the Board of the International Amber Association changed the regulations of the recommendation. The amendment excludes the possibility of using shaped amber (high temperature from one lump, previously cut to intended sizes) by companies recommended and enters into force with new or renewed certificates. Until now, the regulations excluded only the possibility of using pressed amber, substitutes, succinite counterfeits or subfossil resins (copals). [...]

Official opening of the Amber Museum

Friday, September 13 enrolled in amber sounds in the history of Krakow. Distinguished guests - amber lovers - came from all over Poland to the opening ceremony of the Amber Museum to celebrate this unusual event together. The opening of the Amber Museum was graced by a show of three unique fashion collections combined with the amber jewelry of the following designer duets: Danuta Burczik-Kruczkowska & Joanna Weyna and Danka Czapnik [...]

Jewelry from Poland. Simply extraordinary

Amber - a Polish treasure

It's here! Amber Museum in Krakow

"I have long wanted to create a place in Krakow where amber will be presented in an attractive but multidimensional way. In our activities to date, we have focused primarily on the presentation of the aesthetic values of contemporary stone products, at the Amber Museum we have combined them with educational values, "explains its originator Tomasz Mikołajczyk. There are many ventures of this kind in the world, [...]

Ambermart Gallery - for the 6th time.

This is the 6th edition of the Ambermart Gallery competition, which the Amber Portal amber.com.pl organizes together with the Gdańsk International Fair. We are waiting for photos of the exhibitors' works at Ambermart and voices of all Internet users. The goal of our competition is invariably the promotion of amber jewelry, creating the opportunity to present new products before the start of the Ambermart fair and to pre-probe the market and preferences of recipients. To participate in […]

Trend Book 2013+

The Trend Book publication aims to discover the avant-garde nature of Baltic amber, presenting the unique jewelry of Polish designers in the context of stylistic trends of original design and design arts. Trend Book 2013+ is a review of the best design and artistic projects from around the world as well as collections of unique jewelry designed by students of the Gdańsk and Łódź Academy of Fine Arts. They are interpretations extracted by [...]

"Petrified Tears" exhibition

20 leading European jewelry makers have been invited to participate in this unique exhibition, the vast majority of whom have never dealt with amber before. The effect exceeded expectations. In the exhibition, which is really an interesting experiment, were invited: Sławomir Fijałkowski, Christiane Förster, Karl Fritsch, Sophie Hanagarth, Herman Hermsen, Daniel Kruger, Stefano Marchetti, Pavel Opočensky, [...]
